Thursday, December 6, 2007

What's new at Jott

Dear Jotters,

It's been pouring buckets in Seattle for the past three days, but it looks like the rain has stopped -- just in time for us to celebrate the addition of six new Jott Links!

We've been working hard on the official release of the Google Calendar Jott Link, and we're happy to announce it's finally here. Why is this cool? Because you can now create a Google Calendar event in a single step, from anywhere, simply using your voice. Just call Jott, say "Google Calendar", and then the time of the event and what it's about….and you're done. We'll take your voice, convert it to text, and insert it into your calendar for you. "Meet Cathy at 9 am next Thursday" is no longer a to do that needs another step, it's something that's recorded in your Calendar.

Joining in the Jott Link fun are our friends at Mosio, Xpenser, Gumiyo, and Vitalist. They offer amazing services, and now they're even more accessible to you with Jott. For more information on these Jott Links and others, please visit


The Jott Team

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300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122
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